My Teaching Philosophy   ✒️

I firmly believe that the key to finding the right answers is to know how to ask the right questions. As a teacher, I strive to equip my students with the skills to ask the right questions that enable them to navigate complex and constantly evolving business environments. By fostering a culture of critical thinking and inquiry, my goal is to empower students to tackle real-world business challenges with clarity and confidence, even in the face of uncertainty and information overload.

Teaching Experience   📆

Assistant Professor, Masters’ Union School of Business 



[Co-taught with Mr. Thomas Kuruvilla (Managing Partner, Arthur D. Little Middle East)]


[Co-taught with Mr. Thomas Kuruvilla (Managing Partner, Arthur D. Little Middle East)]

[Co-taught with Mr. Manoj Kohli (Former Country Head of Soft Bank India & Former CEO of Bharti Airtel)]

Visiting Faculty

2024-2025: Scaler School of Business

2023-2024: Mesa School of Business 

[Co-taught with Dr. Bhupesh Manoharan (Audencia Business School, France)]

Teaching Assistant, IIM Calcutta

Teaching Interests   📝

Teaching Cases Under Preparation   ✏️